News > A Cabana. Industrial Tourism


A Cabana. Industrial Tourism

This proposal, commissioned by the Secretary-General of Sports, tries to assess the value of the ancient civil dockyard of A Cabana, which nowadays includes the sea sports municipal facilities and an exceptional dry dock carved out of rock measuring 50x15x3 m (164x49x10 ft). Planned actions would include:

• Creating a sea sports centre for the city of Ferrol and the surrounding areas.

• Incorporating floating maritime heritage and its recovery to the activity in the area.

• Renovating and enabling the use of the dry dock and the abandoned buildings of the dockyard.

• Refurbishing the maritime forehead and arranging the access for citizens and visitors.

• Opening up the space for public use and offering access to ocean views from the road to San Felipe.

• Burying electrical lines and dealing with inappropriate buildings on the seaboard.


It would affect the renovation and provision of facilities for the sports clubs of rowing, sailing, and underwater activities, as well as for maritime heritage associations. It would incorporate public parking lots, warehouses and services for boats and crew members. In the heritage area, it would include the refurbishing of the dry dock and the repair shops. It would also integrate coffee shops, bars and restaurants in various terraces with panoramic views of the Ferrol estuary. The action surface totals 7,800 sq. m (83,960 sq. ft.) of constructed space and 8,000 sq. m (86,110 sq. ft.) of residential area, with an estimated budget of 9 million Euros.

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