News > Presentation of the Book "2000 años del Balneario de Lugo"


Presentation of the Book "2000 años del Balneario de Lugo"

Last Wednesday 21stDecember, the book "2000 AÑOS DEL BALNEARIO DE LUGO: UN MODELO DE ACTIVACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO TERMAL" (2000 Years of the Balneario de Lugo: A Thermal Patrimony Activation Model) was presented at the Casa de Galicia (Madrid). This work was possible thanks to the collaboration of a significant number of specialists and to the support the premises offered to this initiative.

The result is a 700-page publication that not only revises all the studies performed about this centre, but also outlines a new interpretative proposal about the Roman spa complex, accompanied by architectural studies, the digitalisation of the complex by a 3D laser scanner, and an important compilation of graphic and documentary content, ending with a hypothesis of valuation for this new century.

We are sharing the pictures of the presentation that took place in Madrid, as well as a link to the radio interview with Mario Crecente in Radio Nacional de España (starting at 14:44). This book is available for sale at the following book stores: Formatos (A Coruña), Trama (Lugo) and Aguirre (Lugo).

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