Projects > VII Thermal Towns Meeting. V International Meeting on Water and Thermalism

Organisers: Ourense Council

Collaborators: Termatalia Fair

Subject: Training.


Meeting Target Presentation: Ana Garza / Alejando Rubín / Mario Crecente

Thermal Towns Meeting 2010: Ana Garza. Thermalism Councillor. Ourense

Thermal Urbanism in Ourense: Áurea Soto. Urbanism Councillor. Ourense

Urban Project Buxton. United Kingdom: Paul Simons. International Consultant

Urban Project Salsomaggiore. Italy: Emilio Faroldi. Architect. Milan.

Urban Project As Burgas. Ourense: Xose Manuel Vázquez Mosquera. Architect. A Coruña

Urban Project Ribeira Termal. Ourense: Mario Crecente. Architect. A Coruña

Presentation EHTTA and Thermal Route: Máximo Tedeschi. EHTTA Vice President.

Closing: Ana Garza / Máximo Tedeschi / Alejandro Rubín / Mario Crecente

Description: VII International Meeting of Thermal Towns organised by the Ourense Council and coordinated by Crecente Asociados. This conference includes the presentation of the projects about Buxton, Salsomaggiore Terme and As Burgas and Ribeira Termal (Ourense). As a novelty, the Cultural European Route of Historic Thermal Towns recently approved by the European Council, which includes the city of Ourense, is going to be introduced.

Recinto Ferial de Ourense (Expourense) (Galicia – Spain)


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