Declaration of Ribeira Sacra as a Heritage of Cultural Interest (BIC)
Crecente Asociados collaborated in 2017 and 2018 in the preparation of the documentation for the initiation of the procedure to declare Ribeira Sacra as Heritage of Cultural Interest, promoted by the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Xunta de Galicia.
The delimited area belongs to the figure of cultural landscape, a category incorporated to the previously existing ones by the Law 5/2016, of the cultural heritage of Galicia. The delimitation proposal was based on the compilation and analysis of different previous works developed since the 1990s at the initiative of various entities, complemented by an in-depth multidisciplinary study and thematic and open meetings. The result was a declaration that recognizes the maximum cultural value for an area of 180 km² with a specific protection regime.
The delimitation of the cultural landscape was approved by Decree 166/2018, of 27 December, declaring the cultural landscape of the Ribeira Sacra a property of cultural interest. It includes a territorial area whose limit corresponds to the north with the Miño canyon, limited by the Belesar dam; to the southeast with the Sil canyon, limited by the parishes of Vilachá in A Pobra do Brollón and Torbeo in Ribas de Sil; and to the southwest with the parish of Os Peares, where two provinces, four municipalities and the Miño and Sil rivers meet. The full text of the declaration and the related planimetry are available at this link (in Spanish).