Projects > Review of the Tourism Strategic Plan of Santiago 2009-2015.

Review of the Tourism Strategic Plan of Santiago 2009-2015.

Field of action: Santiago de Compostela

Customer: Council of Santiago de Compostela

Subject: Indicator evaluation. Tourism planning.


Between September and December 2016, following the request of the Council of Santiago de Compostela, Crecente Asociados reviewed the Tourism Strategic Plan of Santiago 2009-2015.


The first step of the analysis of results was the development of a study about the statistical data about tourism, in terms of offer and demand. It allowed us to identify the market tendencies and to make a diagnosis about the carrying capacity and the reception capacity of the city. At the same time, we opened a participatory process in order to collect knowledge and experience from the social actors in contact with tourism and with the specific actions developed during the last years.

In addition, we studied other initiatives at local and regional level with the purpose of guaranteeing their integration as well as the maximisation of synergies. Furthermore, we analyzed the level of implementation of the proposals included in the previous plan.


Finally, we made a first approach to the strategic lines and actions that should be developed so that Santiago can reach the Holy Year 2021 with a sustainable tourism model from the environmental, urban, cultural and economical perspective.


Therefore, the final report is the initial point for the future definition of strategies and actions that will guide the tourism policy in the period 2017-2021. All of them will address the detected weaknesses and take advantage of the current opportunities.

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