Projects > Teaching in Stropylia-kotychi. Greece


Temática: Investigación

Promotores: Van Hall Larenstein University (Wageningen UR)


Between 19 and 26 of may 2012, we teach in Greece, about National Park of Strophylia-Kotychi sustainable development, in Norwest Peloponeso, in a workshop organized by Van Hall Larenstein University (Wageningen UR), inside the F:acts! Project EU.

The aim of the workshop was to develop with the students of four different countries, an approach and strategy to make proposals related to the better management and governance, of this natural and cultural space.

Goals are:  develop scenarios for the further development of the Strofylia area making it adaptive and resilient to climate change; work cross sector and cross scale (zoom in from a wider area into Strofylia);  include the results of stakeholder interviews to combine StrofyliaNatura 2000 and Ramsar interests with the interest of tourism, agriculture and rural development; Identify possible sectors in the wider area that can support sustainable development of the area including the Strofylia park. Final presentation to the Management Board.

The groups learn from local managers, public officers, entrepreneurs, the visit to the site, and presentations by different experts from Greece, Italy, Spain and Albania. After that,  they debate and interchange ideas with the experts and professors, and with that bases they develop the different proposals, and presented to the regional authorities, the last day.

We have a fantastic stay, with the direction of WimTimmermans, the organization of  JimmieSlijkhuis, and the help and local assistance of Christiana Leontiou, that moves us also to Strophylia-Kotychi, Patras, Delphi and Acrópolis.

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